Adjective in Hindi with Definition, Types and Examples

नमस्कार साथियों, आशा है आपकी पढ़ाई अच्छी चल रही है। आज की इस पोस्ट मे आपको Adjective in Hindi, Types Adjective एवं उनके definition and Examples को आसान भाषा मे बताया है। अगर आप किस भी competitive exam की तैयारी कर रहे है, तो उस दृष्टि से भी यह post अत्यधिक महत्वपूर्ण है। अतः इस post को ध्यान से पढ़े एवं English Grammar मे अपनी समझ को विकसित करे। 

Adjective in Hindi

वह शब्द जो Noun या Pronoun की विशेषता बतलाता है, Adjective कहलाता है। Adjective, Noun या Pronoun के बारे में कोई जानकारी देता है, जैसे कि उसका रंग, आकार, गुण, मात्रा, आदि। 

Adjective Example- Good, Bad, Honest, One, Brown, Black, Some, Five, Intelligent etc.

Adjective की पहचान कैसे करे?

Concept 1: दुनिया की वो तमाम चीजे जो यह जबाब देती है:

  • कैसा है– Good, Beautiful, Intelligent, Honest, Intelligent, Sweet, Testy, Blue, Red etc.
  • कितना है– Some, Few, Many, Little, One, Two, Five etc.
  • किसका है– My, His, Her, Our, Your, Its, Their ( ये मात्र 7 words होते है )

Concept 2: वैसे words जिसके अंत में al, ic, ical, an, one, ar, tic, id, ed, ine, one, ish, ive, ory, our रहे ज़्यदा सम्भावना है की वह word Adjective होगा। 

Example sentences

  1. The movie was exciting from beginning to end.
  2. She has a happy personality.
  3. The students were eager to learn new things.
  4. We bought a large pizza for dinner.
  5. The cheetah is a fast runner.
  6. The sofa is comfortable for lounging.
Adjective in Hindi

10 sentences using adjective

  1. The happy sun is shining in the sky.
  2. My sister has a pink bicycle.
  3. The sleepy cat is curled up on the couch.
  4. I ate a yummy chocolate chip cookie.
  5. The tall tree provides shade in the garden.
  6. My backpack is heavy with books.
  7. The fast rabbit ran across the field.
  8. The orange pumpkin is ready for carving.
  9. We played with a soft and fluffy puppy.
  10. Grandma baked a delicious apple pie.

Adjective Examples

  1. Size: Small, large, tiny, enormous, compact
  2. Color: Red, blue, green, yellow, vibrant
  3. Shape: Square, round, triangular, rectangular, circular
  4. Age: Young, old, new, ancient, modern
  5. Condition: Clean, dirty, smooth, rough, shiny
  6. Temperature: Hot, cold, warm, freezing, scorching
  7. Quality: Friendly, shy, outgoing, kind, generous
  8. Emotion: Happy, sad, excited, angry, surprised
  9. Taste: Sweet, bitter, spicy, savory, tangy
  10. Quantity: Many, few, several, numerous, countless

10 Adjective sentences

  1. A friendly dog greeted us at the front door.
  2. The spacious room had tall windows and comfortable furniture.
  3. His creative ideas brought a fresh perspective to the project.
  4. We enjoyed a delicious meal at the Italian restaurant.
  5. The ancient ruins told the story of a long-lost civilization.
  6. She wore a elegant gown to the glamorous event.
  7. The colorful flowers bloomed in the vibrant garden.
  8. The tall tower offered a breathtaking view of the city.
  9. A curious cat explored the backyard, chasing butterflies.

Adjective of quality example

  1. Beautiful: She wore a beautiful dress to the party.
  2. Intelligent: The professor gave an intelligent lecture on the topic.
  3. Courageous: The firefighter showed courageous bravery during the rescue.
  4. Delicious: We had a delicious meal at the new restaurant.
  5. Comfortable: The sofa is comfortable for relaxing after a long day.
  6. Sturdy: The sturdy bridge can withstand heavy traffic.
  7. Elegant: The ballroom was decorated in an elegant style for the event.
  8. Spacious: Their new apartment is spacious and well-lit.
  9. Soothing: The soothing music helped calm her nerves.
  10. Reliable: A reliable car is essential for long road trips.

Adjective of quantity examples

  1. Many: There are many books on the shelf.
  2. Few: Only a few students completed the assignment.
  3. Several: She bought several items from the store.
  4. Numerous: There are numerous stars in the night sky.
  5. All: All the students passed the exam.
  6. Some: Can I have some sugar for my coffee?
  7. Any: Do you have any plans for the weekend?
  8. Enough: We have enough time to finish the project.
  9. Plenty: There’s plenty of food for everyone.
  10. Most: Most people enjoy a good laugh.

Types of Adjective

Adjective 10 प्रकार के होते है-

  1. Proper Adjective
  2. Descriptive Adjective
  3. Quantitative Adjective
  4. Numeral Adjective
  5. Demonstrative Adjective
  6. Distributive Adjective
  7. Possessive Adjective
  8. Emphasizing Adjective
  9. Interrogative Adjective
  10. Exclamatory Adjective

Adjective types with examples

  1. Proper Adjective:  We visited the Italian restaurant for dinner.
  2. Descriptive Adjective: The cat had soft fur.
  3. Quantitative Adjective: She had several books on her shelf.
  4. Numeral Adjective: There are five cupcakes on the plate.
  5. Demonstrative Adjective: I prefer this jacket over the others.
  6. Distributive Adjective: Each student received a participation certificate.
  7. Possessive Adjective: My sister is coming to visit.
  8. Emphasizing Adjective: The cake was absolutely delicious.
  9. Interrogative Adjective: Which book do you recommend?
  10. Exclamatory Adjective: What amazing weather we’re having today!

Proper Adjective in Hindi

जो Adjective, proper Noun से बनता है और Proper Noun की विशेषता बतलाता है। इसे बनाने के लिए सामान्यतः Proper Noun के suffix में i, ese, ian, ish, n, vian इत्यादि जोड़ा जाता है, वे विशेषता को दर्शाने के लिए बनाए जाते हैं।

Proper Adjective Examples–

  1. India – Indian
  2. Japan – Japanese
  3. Paris – Parisian
  4. Mumbai – Mumbaikar
  5. Italy – Italian
  6. America – American
  7. Bengal – Bengali
  8. Bihar – Bihari

Note– Proper Adjective के पहले the तथा अंत में s जोड़ने से समस्त जनता का बोध होता है। Example –

  1. Indian (भारतीय) – The Indians – (समस्त भारत की जनता)
  2. American – The Americans
  3. Mumbai – The Mumbaikars

Proper Adjective Example sentences

  1. She cooked tasty Indian food for dinner.
  2. I love watching Japanese cartoons.
  3. We had a yummy Italian pizza for lunch.
  4. The Himalayan air is crisp and fresh.
  5. We learned about the ancient Mayan civilization in class.

Descriptive Adjective in Hindi

जो Adjective किसी Noun या Pronoun के गुण, दोष, रंग, रूप, आकर, प्रकार etc. को दर्शाता हो, उसे Descriptive Adjective या Qualitative Adjective कहा जाता है।

Descriptive Adjective Example– Red, Tall, Short, Black, Honest, Honest etc.

Important Concepts

Concept 1: यदि किसी वाक्य (sentence) में descriptive adjective का प्रयोग किसी noun के पहले होता है और वह नाम की विशेषता को बताने का कारण बनता है, तो हम उसे “Attributive use of Descriptive Adjective” कहते हैं। यहां कुछ उदाहरण हैं:

  1. A pink flower bloomed in the garden.
  2. The happy child played in the park.
  3. His fast car won the race.
  4. Her red shoes matched her dress.
  5. The green apple fell from the tree.

Concept 2: यदि किसी sentence में Descriptive Adjective का प्रयोग किसी Noun या Pronoun के बाद होता है तो उसे Predicative use of descriptive Adjective कहते है।  Example – 

  1. This pen is black.
  2. Seema is tall.
  3. The flat is square.
  4. The book is old.

Concept 3: जब किसी sentence में दो Descriptive Adjective का प्रयोग किसी एक ही Noun या Pronoun के लिए किया जाता है तो उसे सामान्यतः निम्न Order (क्रम) में रखा जाता है।

  1. Adjective of Size– Big, Small, Long, Short etc.
  2. Adjective of General description– Good, Bad, Sharp, Fine etc.
  3. Adjective of Age– Young, Old, Modern, Ancient etc.
  4. Adjective of Shape– Round, Rectangular, Circle, Spherical etc.
  5. Adjective of Colour– Black, Blue, Red, Yellow etc.
  6. Adjective of Origin– Indian, American, Bihari, Bhutani etc.
  7. Adjective of Material– Iron, Steel, Plastic etc.
  8. Adjective of Purpose– Playing, Walking, etc.
  9. Adjective of Emotion– Anxious, Nervous etc.
  10. Adjective of Personality– Kind, Great, Smart etc.

Quantitative Adjective in Hindi

जिस Adjective का प्रयोग sentence में मात्रा का बोध करने के लिए किया जाता है उसे Quantitative Adjective कहते है। इसके साथ हमेशा Material Noun का प्रयोग किया जाता है।

Quantitative adjectives का उपयोग मात्रा को बयान करने के लिए किया जाता है और ये आमतौर पर Material Noun के साथ आते हैं।

Quantitative Adjective Examples:

  1. I have much money in my wallet.
    इस वाक्य में, “much” एक quantitative adjective है जो Money की मात्रा को बता रहा है।
  2. He has a good deal of experience in that field.
    इस वाक्य में, “a good deal of” एक quantitative adjective है जो experience की मात्रा को बता रहा है।
  3. She has little patience with such behavior.
    इस वाक्य में, “little” एक quantitative adjective है जो patience की मात्रा को बता रहा है।
  4. Do you have enough time to complete the task?
    इस वाक्य में, “enough” एक quantitative adjective है जो time की मात्रा को बता रहा है।
  5. We ate all the cookies.
    इस वाक्य में, “all” एक quantitative adjective है जो cookies की पूरी मात्रा को बता रहा है।

Numeral Adjective in Hindi

Numeral adjectives वह विशेषण होते हैं जो संख्या को दिखाने के लिए प्रयुक्त होते हैं और इन्हें हमेशा countable noun के साथ मिलाकर उपयोग किया जाता है।

Numeral Adjective दो प्रकार के होते है।

  1. Definite– One, Two, Three, First, Second, Fifth, Single, Double Triple etc.
  2. Indefinite– Many, few, a few, the few, all, enough, most, no, some etc.

Numeral Adjective Examples

  1. There are many boys in the class.
  2. We need four chairs.
  3. Some boys are reading.
  4. She read two books last week.
  5. We have two hands.
  6. He is the first boy in the class.
  7. She read two books last week.
  8. There are enough books in my library.
  9. I saw many birds in the park.
  10. Some students finished their homework early.

Demonstrative Adjective in Hindi

वह Adjective जो निकट या दूर के noun या pronoun की विशेषता को बताने के लिए प्रयुक्त होते हैं। Example– This, that, these, those, certain, other, such, any, etc.

Some important Concepts:

Concept 1: This का प्रयोग निकट की चीज को बताने के लिए एवं That का प्रयोग दूर की चीज को बताने के लिए तथा ये दोनों का प्रयोग singular के रूप में किया जाता है। Example

  1. This book is old.
  2. That boy is intelligent.
  3. This pen is blue.
  4. That time was beautiful.

Concept 2: These का प्रयोग निकट की चीजों को बताने के लिए एवं Those का प्रयोग दूर की चीजों को बताने के लिए तथा ये दोनों का प्रयोग Plural के रूप में किया जाता है।

  1. These books are new.
  2. Those students are intelligent.

Concept 3: other एवं certain का प्रयोग plural के रूप मे किया जाता है।

  1. Other boys are good.
  2. I can help you on certain conditions.

Concept 4: Another का प्रयोग positive sentence मे plural के रूप मे किया जाता है।

I have written another book.

Concept 5: Any other का प्रयोग हमेशा negative sentence मे किया जाता है।

  1. They have not done any other mistake.
  2. We have not done any other mistakes.

दोनों ही sentences सही है क्योंकि any other का प्रयोग singular एवं plural दोनों ही रूप मे किया जाता है।

Distributive Adjective in Hindi

वह विशेषण हैं जो sentence में दो या दो से अधिक वस्तुओं या व्यक्तियों के प्रत्येक, एक का या एक भी नहीं का बोध करने के लिए प्रयुक्त होते हैं। इनमें से प्रमुख हैं – “each,” “every,” “either,” और “neither”

Distributive Adjective Examples

  1. Each student must submit their assignment.
    इस वाक्य में, “each” distributive adjective है जो “student” की विशेषता को प्रत्येक छात्र के लिए बता रहा है।
  2. Every child loves ice cream.
    इस वाक्य में, “every” distributive adjective है जो “child” की विशेषता को हर बच्चे के लिए बता रहा है।
  3. Either option is fine with me.
    इस वाक्य में, “either” distributive adjective है जो “option” की विशेषता को किसी भी विकल्प के लिए बता रहा है।
  4. Neither answer is correct.
    इस वाक्य में, “neither” distributive adjective है जो “answer” की विशेषता को कोई भी उत्तर नहीं के लिए बता रहा है।
Note– Each / Every / Either / Neither के  singular Noun तथा Singular Verb का प्रयोग किया जाता है। 
  1. Each boy has come.
  2. Every boy has come.
  3. Every girl of this batch is intelligent.
  4. Either boy can do the sum.
  5. Neither pen writes well.

Possessive Adjective in Hindi

वह विशेषण हैं जो sentence में सम्बंध या अधिकार बताने के लिए प्रयुक्त होते हैं, और इन्हें हमेशा noun के साथ मिलाकर प्रयोग किया जाता है। Possessive case के सभी Noun और Pronoun को possessive adjective कहते है। Examples- My pen, His bag, Your book etc.

Possessive Adjective example sentences:

  1. My cat is sleeping on the bed.
  2. Your friend is waiting outside.
  3. His car is parked in the driveway.
  4. Her book is on the table.
  5. Our house is painted blue.
  6. Their children are playing in the park.
  7. Its tail is fluffy. (Note: “Its” is used for non-living things or animals without specifying gender.)
  8. Our team won the championship.
  9. Your backpack is on the chair.
  10. Their grandparents live in the countryside.

Emphasizing Adjective in Hindi

जिस Adjective का प्रयोग किसी noun पर विशेष दबाव डालने के लिए किया जाता है, उसे Emphasizing Adjective कहते है| Example– Own, Very

  1. I saw you with my own eyes. (मैंने अपनी आँखों से तुमको देखा)
  2. This is her own book. (यह उसकी अपनी पुस्तक है)
  3. This is the very person who has done this work. (यह वही व्यक्ति है जिसने यह काम किया है)
Emphasizing Adjective Example sentences
  1. She is absolutely gorgeous.
  2. The news was positively thrilling.
  3. He is far more intelligent than he appears.
  4. This coffee is much stronger than I expected.
  5. The movie was so funny. 

Interrogative Adjective in Hindi

जिस Adjective का उपयोग questions के लिए किया जाता है उसे Interrogative Adjective कहा जाता है| Example– Whose, What, Which

Interrogative Adjective Example sentences:

  1. Which book is the best?
  2. Whose motorcycle is this?
  3. What types of job do you want to do?
  4. Whose book is this on the table?
  5. Which movie do you want to watch tonight?
  6. What color is your new car?
  7. Whose idea was it to go to the beach?
  8. Which restaurant did you go to for lunch?
  9. What time is the meeting scheduled for?
  10. Whose jacket is hanging in the hallway?

Exclamatory Adjective in Hindi

जिस Adjective का प्रयोग भाव की विशेषता बताने के लिए किया जाता है, उसे Exclamatory Adjective कहते है|

Exclamatory Adjective Examples:

  1. What a beautiful scene this is!
  2. What an idea!
  3. What nonsense this is!
  4. What a great day!
  5. What a beautiful sunset over the ocean!
  6. How delicious the food smells in the kitchen!
  7. What an incredible performance by the dancers!
  8. How stunning the view is from this mountain!
  9. What a clever idea you came up with!
  10. How amazing the fireworks display was!

Adjective types with examples

1. Proper Adjective

The Eiffel Tower is a symbol of French elegance.

आइफेल टॉवर फ्रेंच शैली का प्रतीक है।

2. Descriptive Adjective

The sky is a beautiful shade of blue.

आसमान एक सुंदर रंग का नीला हैं।

3. Quantitative Adjective

We need some information about the project.

हमें परियोजना के बारे में कुछ जानकारी चाहिए।

4. Numeral Adjective

She has read three books this month.

उसने इस महीने तीन किताबें पढ़ी हैं।

5. Demonstrative Adjective

This car belongs to my friend.

यह कार मेरे दोस्त की है।

6. Distributive Adjective

Each student must submit their assignment.

प्रत्येक छात्र को अपना असाइनमेंट सबमिट करना होगा।

7. Possessive Adjective

This is my house, not yours.

यह मेरा घर है, तुम्हारा नहीं।

8. Emphasizing Adjective

What amazing weather we’re having!

हमें अद्भुत मौसम मिल रहा है!

9. Interrogative Adjective

Which book did you choose for the book club?

बुक क्लब के लिए तुमने कौनसी किताब चुनी?

10. Exclamatory Adjective

What a beautiful painting you created!

तुमने कितनी सुंदर चित्रकला बनाई है, वाह!

Adjective exercise

Here’s a multiple-choice exercise with an answer key. Choose the correct adjective in each sentence.

1) The ___________ mountain peak was covered in snow.
a. tall
b. red
c. quick
d. this

2) She found an ___________ solution to the problem.
a. interesting
b. twelve
c. my
d. neither

3) We need to buy ___________ chairs for the dining table.
a. that
b. few
c. your
d. every

4) His ___________ efforts led to the team’s success.
a. fast
b. blue
c. immense
d. both

5) ___________ car is blocking the driveway?
a. Who
b. This
c. Such
d. Which

6) The teacher praised Mary for her ___________ answer.
a. five
b. clever
c. these
d. either

7) ___________ students scored above 90% in the exam.
a. What
b. Many
c. Their
d. His

8) I’m looking for ___________ book that you recommended.
a. each
b. that
c. our
d. enough

9) She wore a ___________ dress to the party.
a. beautiful
b. seven
c. yours
d. this

10) ___________ a surprise! I didn’t expect to see you here.
a. How
b. Such
c. Those
d. Neither

Answer key

  1. a. tall
  2. a. interesting
  3. b. few
  4. c. immense
  5. a. Who
  6. b. clever
  7. b. Many
  8. b. that
  9. a. beautiful
  10. a. How

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