Noun in Hindi | Types, Definitions and Examples

हैलो मेरे प्यारे विद्यार्थियों, आशा है आप अच्छे से पढ़ाई कर रहे है। इस पोस्ट के माध्यम से मैं आपके साथ English Grammar के एक महत्वपूर्ण कान्सेप्ट को साझा कर रहा हूँ। यह पोस्ट “Noun in Hindi | Types, Definitions and Examples” के बारे मे है। इस अध्याय मे आप Noun एवं इसके Types के बारे मे बारीकी से समझेंगे। English Grammar मे अपनी पकड़ को मजबूत करने के लिए इस पोस्ट को आवश्य पढ़े।

SSC, Banking etc. जैसे Competitive Exams की दृष्टि से भी यह पोस्ट बहुत महत्वपूर्ण है। क्योंकि आपकी परीक्षा में कुछ प्रश्न तो इस टॉपिक से सीधे-सीधे देखने को मिल जाते है।  इसलिए इस पोस्ट को ध्यान से पढ़े और साथ साथ Question Practice करते रहे। 

Noun Definition in Hindi

“Noun” शब्द का उत्पत्ति लैटिन शब्द “nomen” से हुआ है, जिसका अर्थ होता है – नाम। अर्थात दुनिया का कोई भी शब्द जो किसी नाम को बतायें तो उसे Noun कहते है।

दूसरे शब्दों मे, वह शब्द जो किसी व्यक्ति, प्राणी, वृक्ष, अनाज, कोई चीज या वस्तु, स्थान, अवस्था, गुण, भाव या किसी कार्य के नाम को बताये उसे Noun कहते है।

Noun Examples

Creature – Elephant, Penguin, Giraffe, Snake, Ant etc.
Tree – Bamboo(बांस), Banyan(बरगद), Neem(नीम) etc.
Grain – Rice, Wheat, Maize, Oat, Barley etc.
Thing – Sofa, Laptop, Bicycle, Lamp, Notebook, Pencil etc.
Place – Paris, Tokyo, India, Amazon Rainforest etc.
State – Happiness, Adulthood, Conflict, Serenity etc.
Quality – Honest, Patience, Generosity, Diligence etc.
Feeling – Excitement, Contempt (अवहेलना), Curiosity (जिज्ञासा) etc.
Action – Singing, Painting, Swimming, Exploration etc.

Noun Example Sentences


  1. Ajay is my best friend.
  2. Priya won the first prize in the competition.
  3. My sister is a talented artist.


  1. The tiger roared loudly in the jungle.
  2. Snakes are fascinating yet dangerous creatures.


  1. The bamboo in our garden has grown tall and strong.
  2. The banyan tree provided a cool shade in the park.
  3. Neem trees are known for their medicinal properties.


  1. Rice is a staple food in many Asian countries.
  2. Wheat is used to make bread and various other products.
  3. Oats are a healthy choice for breakfast.


  1. The chair in the corner looked comfortable.
  2. I placed the book on the table.
  3. The car in the driveway is brand new.


  1. India is known for its diverse culture and heritage.
  2. Mumbai is a bustling city with a fast-paced lifestyle.
  3. Vaishali is a historical place with ancient ruins.


  1. Childhood is a time of innocence and playfulness.
  2. The situation at work is getting better.
  3. Sleep is essential for overall well-being.


  1. Honesty is a virtue that is highly valued.
  2. Kindness towards others can make a significant difference.
  3. Cleverness is often admired in problem-solving.


  1. Love is the strongest and most beautiful emotion.
  2. Embarrassment turned her cheeks red.


  1. Work hard, and success will follow.
  2. Theft is a crime punishable by law.
  3. The movement of the dancers was mesmerizing.
  4. Judgment should be fair and impartial.

Types of Noun in Hindi

Traditional English Grammar के अनुसार 5 Kinds of Noun है।

  1. Proper Noun (व्यक्तिवाचक संज्ञा)
  2. Common Noun (जातिवाचक संज्ञा)
  3. Collective Noun (समुदाय या समूहवाचक संज्ञा)
  4. Material Noun (द्रव्यवाचक संज्ञा)
  5. Abstract Noun (भाववाचक संज्ञा)

5 types of noun with examples

Proper Noun: New York City, Eiffel Tower, Harry Potter, Amazon River, Mount Everest, Coca-Cola, Mona Lisa

Common Noun: City, Tower, Book, River, Mountain, Author, Painting

Collective Noun: Team, Herd, Flock, Swarm, Fleet, Band, Committee, Family, Class, Army

Material Noun: Wood, Steel, Gold, Plastic, Cotton, Glass, Silver, Leather, Concrete, Silk

Abstract Noun: Love, Courage, Happiness, Democracy, Freedom, Knowledge, Success, Honesty, Friendship, Patience

Proper Noun in Hindi

Definition: जो किसी खास या निश्चित व्यक्ति, वस्तु, या स्थान के नाम को बताता है, उसे Proper Noun कहते है। इसका उपयोग व्यक्तिगत या विशिष्ट चीज़ों की पहचान के लिए किया जाता है।

उदाहरण से समझिए:

  1. Mahatma Gandhi(यह एक विशिष्ट व्यक्ति का नाम है और इस नाम के बिना यह व्यक्ति पहचाना नहीं जा सकता है।)
  2. Eiffel Tower (यह एक विशेष स्थान का नाम है और यह स्थान कुछ अन्य टॉवर से विभिन्न है।)
  3. New York City यह एक विशिष्ट शहर का नाम है और इसे अन्य किसी शहर से भिन्नता देने के लिए इस नाम का उपयोग किया जाता है।)

More Examples – Ram, India, Delhi, Sachin, Pappu, Kolkata… etc

Proper Noun Example Sentences

नीचे दिए गए वाकयों मे Proper Noun के प्रयोग को समझिए

  1. Sarah loves Playing in the backyard.
  2. We visited New York and saw the Statue of Liberty.
  3. Rahul is going to the store to buy some groceries.
  4. Tokyo is the capital of Japan.
  5. Every Sunday, we go to the cenema.
  6. Sumit enjoys going to school.
  7. The Ganga is a holy river.
  8. We spent a magical day at Disneyland.
  9. Elon Musk is the CEO of Tesla and SpaceX.
  10. My new iPhone has a stunning camera.

Common Noun in Hindi

Definition: जो किसी व्यक्ति, वस्तु, या स्थान को सामान्य रूप से सूचित करने के लिए प्रयुक्त होता है, उसे Common Noun कहते है। सामान्यत: Common Noun सामान्य वस्तुओं और जगहों के लिए इस्तेमाल होते हैं।

उदाहरण से समझिए:

  1. My house is blue. (यहां “House” Common Noun है, क्योंकि यह किसी विशिष्ट घर को सूचित नहीं कर रहा है, बल्कि किसी सामान्य घर को सूचित कर रहा है।)
  2. Children are playing. (यहां “Children” Common Noun है, क्योंकि यह किसी विशिष्ट बच्चे को सूचित नहीं कर रहा है।)

Some more Examples – Animal, Dog, Boy, Girl, River, Village, City, Mountain, Train… etc.

Common Noun Example Sentences

नीचे दिए गए वाकयों मे Common Noun के प्रयोग को समझिए

  1. The boy is playing in the park.
  2. We visited a beautiful city during our vacation.
  3. The library has many interesting books.
  4. I need to buy a new car.
  5. Dogs are known for their loyalty.
  6. Mount Everest is the highest mountain in the world. (इस वाक्य मे mountain, Common Noun है, जबकि Mount Everest, Proper Noun है।)

Identify the common nouns and proper nouns in the sentences

  1. Canada is a vast and beautiful country.
    Common Noun: country
    Proper Noun: Canada
  2. English is spoken widely around the world.
    Common Noun: language, world
    Proper Noun: English
  3. Paris is famous for its historical landmarks.
    Common Noun: city, landmarks
    Proper Noun: Paris
  4. London is a busy city with iconic landmarks.
    Common Noun: city, landmarks
    Proper Noun: London
  5. The nurse gave medicine to the patient.
    Common Noun: nurse, medicine, patient
    Proper Noun: None in this sentence

Collective Noun in Hindi

Definition: वह Noun, जिससे समूह की एकता या समूह का एक पूरा भाग का बोध होता है, उसे Collective Noun कहते है। इससे समूह, समुदाय, या एक संघ की सामूहिकता को सूचित करने का उद्देश्य होता है।

Example: Crowd, Mob, Team, Flock, Herd, Army, Fleet, Jury, Family, Nation, Parliament, Committee … etc.

Collective Noun Example Sentences

  1. The team won the championship last year.
  2. The army conducted a training exercise.
  3. The television show had a live studio audience.
  4. Our class won the inter-school quiz competition.
  5. A herd of cows grazed in the field.
  6. A flock of birds flew overhead.

Material Noun in Hindi

Definition: जो Noun सामान्यतः वस्तुओं उत्पत्ति के लिए प्रयुक्त होता है तथा वस्तुओ को बनाने में उपयोग किए जाने वाले सामग्रियों को सूचित करता है। यह सदैव singular में रहता है और इसके साथ हमेशा singular verb का प्रयोग होता है।

Examples: Gold, Wood, Water, Iron, Silver, Cotton, Plastic, Brick, Leather etc.

Material Noun Example Sentences

  1. Gold is a precious metal.
  2. The table is made of wood.
  3. Water is essential for life.
  4. Iron is used in building construction.
  5. Cotton is used to make comfortable clothing.
  6. Plastic is widely used in packaging.
  7. Clay is molded to create pottery.
  8. Steel is used in the manufacturing of machinery.

Abstract Noun in Hindi

Definition: वह Noun जो किसी विचार, भावना, गुण, अवस्था, या कार्य को सूचित करने के लिए प्रयुक्त होता है, उसे Abstract Noun कहते है। इसे न तो छू सकते और न ही देख सकते हैं। यह noun ज्ञान, अनुभव, अभिव्यक्ति, और आभूषण की भावनाओं को व्यक्त करने के लिए होते हैं।

Examples: Love, Honesty, Beauty, Courage, Intelligence, Joy, Fear, Freedom

Abstract Noun Example Sentences

  1. Honesty builds trust in relationships.
  2. Love makes the world a better place.
  3. Courage is needed to face fears.
  4. The beauty of nature is breathtaking.
  5. Intelligence helps in solving problems.
  6. Patience is essential when learning something new.
  7. Freedom is a fundamental human right.
  8. Hard work is often a key to success.
  9. Friendship is built on trust and understanding.
  10. Countries strive for global peace.

Abstract noun exercise

Identify the Abstract Noun in the sentences

  1. Her kindness towards animals is well-known in the neighborhood.
  2. The teacher praised the students for their honesty during the exam.
  3. Courage is the ability to confront fear and challenges.
  4. The beauty of the sunset reflected in the calm lake.
  5. Success in life often requires hard work and perseverance.
  6. Joy filled the room when the surprise was revealed.
  7. Patience is a virtue that helps in dealing with difficult situations.
  8. Friendship is built on trust, loyalty, and understanding.
  9. The artist’s imagination brought the canvas to life.
  10. Wisdom comes from learning and life experiences.


  1. Kindness
  2. Honesty
  3. Courage
  4. Beauty
  5. Success
  6. Joy
  7. Patience
  8. Friendship
  9. Imagination
  10. Wisdom

Countable and Uncountable Nouns

Traditional English Grammar के अनुसार 5 types of noun होते है । परंतु आधुनिक युग के Grammarian ने Noun को तीन भागों मे वर्गीकृत किया है। ये इस प्रकार है-

  1. Proper Noun
  2. Countable Noun
  3. Uncountable Noun

Modern English Grammar मे Proper Noun का स्वरूप बिल्कुल सामान है, जो आपने ऊपर पढ़ लिया है। Common Noun और Collective Noun को Countable Noun एवं Material Noun और Abstract Noun को Uncountable Noun का रूप दे दिया गया है।

Countable Noun in Hindi

Definition: जिस भी किसी चीज को हम इकाई के रूप मे गिन सकते है, उसे Countable Noun कहते है। ये Singular एवं Plural दोनों हो सकते है। इनके लिए वाक्य मे Singular Noun के लिए Article a/an का प्रयोग किया जाता है। Plural Noun के लिए संख्या/मात्रा बताने वाले शब्दों का प्रयोग किया जाता है।


Singular Noun: a pen, an orange, a book, a boy, an MLA, a chair etc.

Plural Noun: five students, two apples, many friends, few rupees, some people etc.

Countable Noun Example Sentences

  1. I have a book on my shelf.
  2. There are three cats playing in the garden.
  3. We need to buy some chairs for the dining table.
  4. How many students are in the classroom?
  5. She ate an apple for a snack.
  6. He owns two cars and a motorcycle.
  7. The teacher gave each child a balloon.
  8. Can you pass me the pencils from the drawer?
  9. I met three friends at the cafe.
  10. The grocery store sells fresh bread every morning.

Uncountable Noun in Hindi

Definition: जिस Noun को हम नहीं गिन सकते है, उसे Uncountable Noun कहते है। चूंकि हम इसे नहीं गिन सकते है, इसलिए हम से Singular या Plural के होने का निर्धारण भी नहीं कर सकते है। परंतु इसके साथ Verb के Singular रूप का प्रयोग किया जाता है।


Rice, Copper, Honesty, Love, Water, Air, Knowledge, advice, Gold, News, Truth, Beauty, Music, Rain, Idea, Bread etc.

Uncountable Noun Example Sentences

  1. I would like some rice with my curry.
  2. The jewelry is made of pure copper.
  3. Can you pass me the sugar ?
  4. Love is the foundation of a strong relationship.
  5. His honesty is admired by everyone in the company.
  6. We gained valuable knowledge from the seminar.
  7. She provided helpful advice during the difficult times.
  8. The air in the mountains is filled with freshness.
  9. We need to conserve water during the drought.
  10. The room was filled with peaceful silence.

Countable and uncountable nouns list

Countable Nouns:


  1. dog
  2. cat
  3. elephant
  4. lion
  5. bird
  6. fish


  1. person
  2. student
  3. teacher
  4. friend
  5. child
  6. parent


  1. book
  2. table
  3. chair
  4. pen
  5. car
  6. computer


  1. apple
  2. banana
  3. orange
  4. strawberry
  5. mango
  6. pineapple


  1. carrot
  2. potato
  3. tomato
  4. cucumber
  5. broccoli
  6. spinach


  1. shirt
  2. dress
  3. pants
  4. shoes
  5. hat
  6. socks


  1. car
  2. bicycle
  3. bus
  4. train
  5. airplane
  6. boat


  1. box
  2. bag
  3. bottle
  4. jar
  5. basket
  6. suitcase

Uncountable Nouns:

Food and Substances:

  1. rice
  2. sugar
  3. salt
  4. water
  5. milk
  6. flour

Metals and Materials:

  1. gold
  2. silver
  3. copper
  4. iron
  5. steel
  6. wood

Concepts and Emotions:

  1. love
  2. honesty
  3. courage
  4. happiness
  5. anger
  6. sadness

Natural Elements:

  1. air
  2. sunlight
  3. rain
  4. snow
  5. thunder
  6. lightning

Subjects and Academic Areas:

  1. mathematics
  2. physics
  3. chemistry
  4. history
  5. geography
  6. music

Abstract Ideas:

  1. time
  2. space
  3. freedom
  4. justice
  5. beauty
  6. truth


  1. advice
  2. equipment
  3. luggage
  4. furniture
  5. information
  6. research

Countable and Uncountable Nouns exercises

Here are some exercises with sentences. Identify whether the highlighted noun in each sentence is countable (C) or uncountable (UC).


  1. I bought three books at the bookstore yesterday.
  2. Happiness is the key to a fulfilling life.
  3. She has a beautiful collection of antique furniture.
  4. Can you pass me a glass of water, please?
  5. The chef added a pinch of salt to enhance the flavor.
  6. We need to buy some new shoes for the party.
  7. His vast knowledge of science impressed everyone.
  8. The children enjoyed playing with the soft snow in the winter.
  9. My mom makes delicious cakes for special occasions.
  10. The company provides excellent training for its employees.


  1. C – Books
  2. UC – Happiness
  3. C – Furniture
  4. UC – Water
  5. UC – Salt
  6. C – Shoes
  7. UC – Science
  8. UC – Snow
  9. C – Cakes
  10. UC – Training

Noun Exercise

Here’s an exercise where you can identify the types of nouns in each sentence. Decide whether the highlighted noun is a proper noun (PN), common noun (CN), collective noun (CNL), material noun (MN), or abstract noun (AN).


  1. John and Mary visited the museum last weekend.
  2. The team celebrated their victory with a grand party.
  3. The sunlight filtered through the leaves of the tall trees.
  4. Our school organized a field trip to the historic city of Rome.
  5. The students were fascinated by the knowledge shared in the lecture.
  6. The company produces high-quality steel for construction.
  7. The children were excited to see a flock of birds in the park.
  8. Honesty is a virtue that is highly valued in this community.
  9. The library is filled with a diverse collection of books.
  10. The villagers built a bridge across the river for better connectivity.


  1. PN – John; PN – Mary
  2. CNL – Team
  3. MN – Sunlight
  4. PN – Rome
  5. AN – Knowledge
  6. MN – Steel
  7. CNL – Flock
  8. AN – Honesty
  9. CNL – Collection
  10. CN – Bridge


Noun in Hindi | Definition and Example
Noun in Hindi | Definition and Example
Kinds of Noun in Hindi
Kinds of Noun in Hindi with Definition and Examples

Noun in Hindi | Conclusion

तो साथियों, उम्मीद है कि इस पोस्ट ने आपको Noun की गहराई और उसका रोमांच दिखाया है। हालांकि, Noun एक व्यापक टॉपिक है और इस विषय पर  आपको और भी गहराई से जानने की जरूरत है। हमारे website के  Grammar वाले section से noun से संबंधित और भी Post को पढ़ सकते है और अपनी समझ को विकसित कर सकते है। 

अब, इस पोस्ट “Noun in Hindi | Types, Definitions and Examples को अपने मित्रों और परिवार के साथ साझा करें और English Language के प्रति अपने जुनून को जगाएं! Comment Box में अपने अनुभव और प्रश्नों को अवश्य साझा करें।

आइए मिलकर English सीखने के इस रोमांचक सफर को जारी रखें। 

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